Monday, December 25, 2017

Mind blowing post processing tips for professional photographers

One of the most important parts of digital photography is post processing. Sometimes it is misunderstood that post processing damages the natural shape of photos. But it is equivalent and important like darkroom. It is where you can perform clipping path, retouch, manipulation, color correction and other post processing to make the final product.

Leveling your photos:

Leveling the photo is the basic compositional concept. It is very annoying when the horizontal line is not level in the photo. It is a big error but it can be fixed in post processing.

Leveling a photo is very easy. When we capture a photo, it seems that the photo is level with the horizon. But when you zoom the photo you can understand the photo is not level. You can use lightroom to level your photos. The level tool is included in crop tool. When you apply it, you will see a grid. You can use it to correct the alignment.

Leveling is a super simple task and takes few seconds to perform. It results more eye pleasing image.

Using crop tool:

The crop tool is very helpful. You can change the aspect ratio and image size using this. As an example, you can crop a rectangular image to a square shape image. People use cropping tool for publishing photos in different aspect ratios and formats.

Handling the cropping tool is very simple. All you have to do just select the area you want to crop and then apply the changes. That’s it! You will get a new cropped image.

Learn about highlights and shadows:

Every photo has two sides. A darker and another is brighter. The dark side is called shadows and the brighter side is known as highlights. The problem of the highlights and shadow can be solved by controlling the brightness of the respective areas. It can be controlled by highlight and shadow tool.

This shadow and highlight tool works well on raw images rather than compressed JPG image. It is because raw image contains more details than JPG image.

Vignetting effect:

Vignetting is carried out to make the photo areas lighter or darker than other areas. It is done to clear the subject of the photo.

Many software do not support it but you can use it in Lightroom and Snapseed application. Vignetting effect is good for portrait photography. You can use it to make the subject more obvious in front of your audience.

Contrast adjustment:

Contrast adjustment makes the difference between the dark and light parts of the images. The contrast enhancement can dramatically change the visual of any image. It clears the light and dark boundaries and improves the visual appeal of the image.

Color correction:

Color correction is very important photo editing technique. You can change the color in all kind of ways. You can change the hue and saturation of certain color or change the warmth of the photo.
The saturation tool is the quickest way to change the color. It can change every color appearance of any image to make it less or more saturated. You can apply the saturation tool to create a black and white photo.

These are some important photo post processing tips for professional photographers. I hope, you enjoy the tips and apply it in your post processing. Thank you very much.  

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

5 amazing photography tips for complete beginners

Nowadays, Photography is a familiar term. For me it is harder than marketing, web design or writing an article. Point out your camera towards a beautiful thing and push a button is not a difficult task. But the difficult task is the photos you have taken match your dream or not.

Daily, I see a lot photos in the website, Magazine and papers. Some attracts me and some not. If I calculate, above 100 photos 90 percent of them don’t attract me. Because it does not match my dream. So, photography is not a joke. It is hard to attract people eyes.

If you want to learn the photography, you have to learn it in a correct way. Every year millions of people try to learn photography. But, they are stuck with beginning process. Because they really don’t know how to start and where to start. These beginner photography tips will help you to start your photography life.

Try to change the perspective:

During photography learning, you are supposed to be told catch photos in the normal viewpoint. The meaning of normal viewpoint is the way we look every day. It is not a hard task. Just you have to catch a photo where you stand from.

Generally, it becomes boring, tired and ordinary. Because everybody catch photo from that angle. Sometimes, you need to change the perspective of your look. Try different things. Try to catch photos from different angle and distance. As instance, go near the subject to catch a close shot. Get down or up or skewed to catch a photo. It helps to catch a unique photo.

Learn post processing skills:

Image post processing is very important. Post processing does not mean to change the original photo using highly rated effects or filters. Most photographers who love natural photos don’t like it. But, it is very demanding and necessary.

It is good to thought about the natural photos. But, post processing can be natural and subtle too. Sometimes, it is not possible to catch good photos with digital cameras. Because, your physical limitation block you to catch good photos. Some post processing skills are good to learn in the beginning of the photography. Like,

Importance of the exposure:

The exposure is one of the important things of photography. Basically, photography is all about capturing and manipulation light. Light is the main point of capturing photos. In order to take a good photo, you must learn the exposure triangle. The exposure triangles are ISO, shutter speed and aperture.

Learn the composition:

Composition is the heart of a good photo. A professional photographer easily understands which photos are captured by amateur or not. They are not looking for the beauty but the composition of the photos. The amateurs don’t understand the composition and that is the main difference between a good photographer and them.

Gear does matter:

Your gear is the ultimate weapon. A good photographer can capture photo with normal cameras but amateur photographer can’t do it with professional cameras. It does not mean that the camera has problems. So, don’t blame your equipment. It is your quality and skill that helps to capture good photos.

If you are doing photography as a hobby, it is good for you. It is one thing that gives joy and fun. But, if you are pursuing a career, then I might say you have to work hard. I am not saying that it is difficult. But it requires time, patience and passion.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Great image editing tips for amazing photography

If you have a digital camera and want to be a professional photographer, this article is for you. Hi, I am tanzir and I am a photo editor. Today, I will give you amazing photo editing tips that will help you to be a good photographer. So, lets start: 

There is no doubt that one day you will be a great professional photographer. Your hard work, skills and experience will give you the spot. But, a professional photographer not recognized for its photography. He has many great skills that make him a great photographer. Image editing is one of them.

A professional photographer knows clipping path, retouch, camera raw, lightroom, manipulation and other graphic technical tools. Photoshop is the favorite of every photographer. So, if you want to be a professional photographer you need to know about photoshop. That’s why I write these great editing tips that you easily apply in photoshop and take your photography to the next level.

Understand camera and lens: 

Before you do some photo editing understand your camera and lens setting. At first, learn some lightroom panel and ACR settings. As an instance, before changing the color and contrast of the photo adjust calibration panel of the camera.

Check the lens profile correction and lens correction tabs before engaging to basic editing. If you select the wide angle lenses, the camera lens setting may push out some areas of the photo from the frame. Check this out before cropping the photo.

Learn camera raw filter: 

Camera raw filter is a great option of Photoshop. You can enable the option from the Photoshop CC interface. Just go to the layer option then click filter, select camera raw filter.
You can save your photos from destructive edits. All you have to do just convert the layer by smart filters. Select the filter option then click convert for smart filters.

Make vivid skies: 

Adobe Light room and Camera raw filter both has HSL feature. You can use it to boosts up the contrast of a cloudy sky and blue sky. In order to perform it, click luminance and drag the bar from right to left to dark the sky color. Don’t use it too much. Because, the cloud edges of the sky and other subjects may intrude.

Speed up simple process: 

The most concerning chapter of photo editing is the workflow. Sometimes, simple photos take long time to clipping, retouch or masking. In this moment, the opening, edit and saving process of the photoshop become a problem.

To speed up your processes Adobe camera raw and lightroom made a list of shortcut keys. The shortcut keys are,
Copy options- Ctrl+shift+C or Cmd+C,
Paste options- Ctrl+shift+V or Cmd+V.

Learn preset settings: 

You can find the preset setting on the left side of the photoshop interface. You can also found the color preset and it is tremendously good for experiment. If you make an error don’t be bother, go to the history palette and undo the effect. If you are using Adobe Lightroom then go to the lightroom presets and chose light grain.

Use the shortcuts: 

Do not limit yourself to learn the copy and paste shortcut keys. Please learn other useful shortcuts to save your time. The shortcut key also gives you a good command over the software. Some shortcut keys are:
Hand tool- Hold space bar,
Zoom tool- Press and hold H key.

I hope these beautiful image editing tips will enrich your photography. It will help you to be a good photographer. So, learn these tricks and do the editing of your own photos.       


Friday, December 15, 2017

Importance of Photoshop editing in photography business

When I start photography, I don’t know how to edit the photos. Photography was a hobby and fun for me. I didn’t know how to crop, cut, clipping path, retouch, masking and manipulate the photos. One day, my close friend show me his captured photo. The photos were beautiful and eye catching. I asked him about his camera? Then he told me about the Photoshop editing.

I was really excited. I asked him about the photoshop editing. Then he told me about the importance of photoshop editing and how to do clipping path, masking, photoshop retouching. I don’t waste my time and try to learn it. Now I know how important photoshop editing for a photographer.

Photoshop is one of the oldest and important photo editing software. It is equally essential for designers and photographers. Every photo requires post editing process to enhance the beauty. The software includes authentic editing tools. These tools help you to discover your creativity. It is used by millions of graphic designer, web designer, clipping path service company and professional photographer.

Photoshop editing puts a great impact on photography industry. Here I will describe some of the important reasons why it is required in photography industry:

Clipping path business: Pen tool is an essential photoshop tool. By using this tool one can perform clipping to remove the background of any image. Clipping path company provide background removal service. This service is highly required by product photographers. And all the product photography industry and clipping path business rely on Adobe photoshop.

Remove unwanted spots: It is a hard task to remove spots from the picture. Especially, the old photos required special care and treatment. Generally, old photos remain distort and damaged. You required photoshop editing to heal the damage. Photoshop retouch helps to restore the damaged photo. It is also important in modeling industry.

The fashion photographers highly depend on retouch. The photoshop retouching remove every spots from the model face and make them beautiful. It puts a great impact on fashion industry.

Make beautiful T-shirt designs: You can make great T-shirt designs using Adobe Photoshop. You can add great fonts and design to create new designs. Now, photoshop editing plays a crucial role in apparel and clothing industry.

Show your creativity: Photoshop editing opens the door of new opportunities for the designers. You can show your creativity by manipulating image. From the clothing design to brand logo photoshop editing is a must needed tool. You can use it to create anything that shows your inner creativity. It also makes your designs better.

Use brush for making effects: Photoshop has hundreds of unique brushes. You can easily create wonderful effects for cloths, web templates, visual art, fashion photographs etc. Beautiful effects are always in demands. Try to make creative effects that attract the buyer.

Alter the image color: Color correction is now a trending photoshop work. Lots of company provides color correction service by Adobe photoshop. You can also change the color of your photographs by photoshop.

Photoshop offers lots of opportunities for photography business. The photographers should understand the importance of photo editing. Photo editing not only enhances the beauty of the photos but also helps to catch the attention of the customers. Without photo editing photography business is unimaginable.

Every photographer should know these Photoshop skills

Adobe Photoshop is a household name for photographers. Every professional photographer knows about this magnificent image editing software. Although it is comprehensive editing software, photographers of all ability levels can use it with ease.

Today, most photographers hire clipping path service company for image editing. But, every photographer should know basic Photoshop. Here are some of the Photoshop skills that every photographer should know:

Convert a color image to black and white: You will get quality images converting the actual image by Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw. However, if you using Adobe Photoshop to convert jpeg image to mono, then Black and White adjustment will be the correct choice. You can easily convert a color image to black and white using Adobe Photoshop.

Background removal: It is one of the easiest and effective Photoshop skills. Background removal can be done in almost all images. Just select the pen tool and make a clipping path around the object. Now change the background color. That’s it.

Learn adjustment layers: The professionals use adjustment layers to edit images. Adjustment layers are placed above on the original image layer. It allows you to edit an image without changing the actual image. You will find the option at the bottom of the layers panel showing half white and half black icon.

If you want to save the adjustment layer file, you have to save as PDF or TIFF format. The jpeg image format is a compressed file format that does not allow adjustment layer.
Use of healing brush: It is a great Photoshop tool that use to perform photo retouching. It is easy to learn and use. Just hold the Alt key and click the sample area that you will use to repair the pixels. Now drag the brush and retouch the area that you desire. You can use healing brush to remove spots and other complex pixels from the image.

Camera raw filter: The advanced camera raw filter provides the facility to use all the filters of Adobe Camera Raw. You can make an adjustment, convert a raw image or make other changes using this software with ease.

The correct way to use camera raw filter is to merge the actual layer with a new layer. You can also use it by making a background copy and select the filter. Then use the camera raw filter to make the necessary change.

Learning Dodge and Burn: Dodge and burn is an old darkroom method. The technique is very popular to configure the brightness of a certain area of the photo. This tool is destructive in nature. It can alter your photos permanently. So, when you select this tool for work make a background copy of the photo.

After making a copy of the background layer, use burn to darken the pixels or dodge to lighten the areas of the picture. Please set low exposure range from 5-10%. It is a suitable range to get the desired effect.

These Photoshop tools are very easy to learn. Every photographer should know these tools well. However, most photographer contact background removal service for photo editing. These Photoshop tools simply enhance the knowledge of a photographer.
