Saturday, December 16, 2017

Great image editing tips for amazing photography

If you have a digital camera and want to be a professional photographer, this article is for you. Hi, I am tanzir and I am a photo editor. Today, I will give you amazing photo editing tips that will help you to be a good photographer. So, lets start: 

There is no doubt that one day you will be a great professional photographer. Your hard work, skills and experience will give you the spot. But, a professional photographer not recognized for its photography. He has many great skills that make him a great photographer. Image editing is one of them.

A professional photographer knows clipping path, retouch, camera raw, lightroom, manipulation and other graphic technical tools. Photoshop is the favorite of every photographer. So, if you want to be a professional photographer you need to know about photoshop. That’s why I write these great editing tips that you easily apply in photoshop and take your photography to the next level.

Understand camera and lens: 

Before you do some photo editing understand your camera and lens setting. At first, learn some lightroom panel and ACR settings. As an instance, before changing the color and contrast of the photo adjust calibration panel of the camera.

Check the lens profile correction and lens correction tabs before engaging to basic editing. If you select the wide angle lenses, the camera lens setting may push out some areas of the photo from the frame. Check this out before cropping the photo.

Learn camera raw filter: 

Camera raw filter is a great option of Photoshop. You can enable the option from the Photoshop CC interface. Just go to the layer option then click filter, select camera raw filter.
You can save your photos from destructive edits. All you have to do just convert the layer by smart filters. Select the filter option then click convert for smart filters.

Make vivid skies: 

Adobe Light room and Camera raw filter both has HSL feature. You can use it to boosts up the contrast of a cloudy sky and blue sky. In order to perform it, click luminance and drag the bar from right to left to dark the sky color. Don’t use it too much. Because, the cloud edges of the sky and other subjects may intrude.

Speed up simple process: 

The most concerning chapter of photo editing is the workflow. Sometimes, simple photos take long time to clipping, retouch or masking. In this moment, the opening, edit and saving process of the photoshop become a problem.

To speed up your processes Adobe camera raw and lightroom made a list of shortcut keys. The shortcut keys are,
Copy options- Ctrl+shift+C or Cmd+C,
Paste options- Ctrl+shift+V or Cmd+V.

Learn preset settings: 

You can find the preset setting on the left side of the photoshop interface. You can also found the color preset and it is tremendously good for experiment. If you make an error don’t be bother, go to the history palette and undo the effect. If you are using Adobe Lightroom then go to the lightroom presets and chose light grain.

Use the shortcuts: 

Do not limit yourself to learn the copy and paste shortcut keys. Please learn other useful shortcuts to save your time. The shortcut key also gives you a good command over the software. Some shortcut keys are:
Hand tool- Hold space bar,
Zoom tool- Press and hold H key.

I hope these beautiful image editing tips will enrich your photography. It will help you to be a good photographer. So, learn these tricks and do the editing of your own photos.       


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