Friday, December 15, 2017

Every photographer should know these Photoshop skills

Adobe Photoshop is a household name for photographers. Every professional photographer knows about this magnificent image editing software. Although it is comprehensive editing software, photographers of all ability levels can use it with ease.

Today, most photographers hire clipping path service company for image editing. But, every photographer should know basic Photoshop. Here are some of the Photoshop skills that every photographer should know:

Convert a color image to black and white: You will get quality images converting the actual image by Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw. However, if you using Adobe Photoshop to convert jpeg image to mono, then Black and White adjustment will be the correct choice. You can easily convert a color image to black and white using Adobe Photoshop.

Background removal: It is one of the easiest and effective Photoshop skills. Background removal can be done in almost all images. Just select the pen tool and make a clipping path around the object. Now change the background color. That’s it.

Learn adjustment layers: The professionals use adjustment layers to edit images. Adjustment layers are placed above on the original image layer. It allows you to edit an image without changing the actual image. You will find the option at the bottom of the layers panel showing half white and half black icon.

If you want to save the adjustment layer file, you have to save as PDF or TIFF format. The jpeg image format is a compressed file format that does not allow adjustment layer.
Use of healing brush: It is a great Photoshop tool that use to perform photo retouching. It is easy to learn and use. Just hold the Alt key and click the sample area that you will use to repair the pixels. Now drag the brush and retouch the area that you desire. You can use healing brush to remove spots and other complex pixels from the image.

Camera raw filter: The advanced camera raw filter provides the facility to use all the filters of Adobe Camera Raw. You can make an adjustment, convert a raw image or make other changes using this software with ease.

The correct way to use camera raw filter is to merge the actual layer with a new layer. You can also use it by making a background copy and select the filter. Then use the camera raw filter to make the necessary change.

Learning Dodge and Burn: Dodge and burn is an old darkroom method. The technique is very popular to configure the brightness of a certain area of the photo. This tool is destructive in nature. It can alter your photos permanently. So, when you select this tool for work make a background copy of the photo.

After making a copy of the background layer, use burn to darken the pixels or dodge to lighten the areas of the picture. Please set low exposure range from 5-10%. It is a suitable range to get the desired effect.

These Photoshop tools are very easy to learn. Every photographer should know these tools well. However, most photographer contact background removal service for photo editing. These Photoshop tools simply enhance the knowledge of a photographer.



  1. Great Post thanks a lot for sharing Clipping Path Clipping Path Service tips and technique that are very important all photographer.

  2. The internet is overflowing with articles and websites that can provide Adobe Photoshop skills, tutorials, tricks, and tips to significantly improve nearly anyone's skill with the advanced software. Simple video tutorials provide a foundation of basic skills to flatten the learning curve and open the door to digital artistry. Clipping Path service
